Individual Soul Painting
Tammy shares her intuition and spiritual gifts through a creative and in-depth process of prayer and guided artistic expression. Participants come seeking answers or direction from Spirit/God and receive forward-moving guidance and a painting that represents their unique soul in colors and patterns. FAQs
In-person or video call*
$350 1 - 1 1/2 hr session *Shipping costs may apply
Couples Soul Painting
Couples who want to learn about their entwined energies and are curious about their relationship together will love this experience. The session is eye-opening and informative. Both participants garner wisdom from spirit guides, angels or from loved ones who have transitioned to Spirit. FAQs
In-person or video call*
$650 2 - 2 1/2 hr session *Shipping costs may apply
Soulwork Event
This experience is great for retreats, reunions, get-togethers and events related to spiritual and emotional well-being. All participants can expect individualized attention within a scheduled time frame. Tammy will travel to you anywhere in the Continental U.S. and other countries depending on availability. A 90 day advance notice is required to schedule. A 30 day notice required for to receive refund of deposit fees. FAQs
In-person only
OKC Area - $350 each (5+ sessions)
OUT OF TOWN - $400 each (10+ sessions)
OUT OF STATE - $500 each (15+ sessions)
Soul Reading
Do you want guidance in love, your life path or career? Tammy offers insight and shares messages from God/Spirit and the angels to you during your session. Whether your appointment is over the phone, on video call or in-person the information you receive is very detailed and personal. FAQs
In-person or video call
$100 - 45 min session
Want to see more? Go to Soulfolio.
People Are Saying:
Where do I even begin?! This is going to be a longer testimony, because it needs to be. I need to share the breadth of what Tammy can do and who she is as a "Light Worker" here on earth, because she is so much more than an intuitive artist and artist by trade. I have been wanting to host Tammy out here in CA ever since I first met her in Sept 2018 when I had my first Soul painting done. That experience in 2018 literally pushed me forward on my spiritual journey. I knew I wanted as many people as possible to be blessed by her intuitive and artistic gifts. She, herself, is like no one I have ever had the privilege of knowing. She has the best sense of humor and is so down to earth, real.
I was finally able to host her at my home in Joshua Tree at the beginning of November. Getting to spend time with her over a few days, feeling the unconditional love she has for all humankind (including animalkind), and learning from her wisdom was a tremendous gift. I know everyone who participated that weekend was changed for the better in some way. Her intuitive gifts and relationship with Spirit is the real deal. She had no idea that the "work" I had been recently doing at the time consisted of getting in touch with my inner child for various reasons. She took me through a meditation that was unique to me, prior to her painting and had no idea what was happening on my end, internally. My inner child came to visit during my meditation, sat next to me, and I even had the vision of her lying down beside me while I was meditating. The powerful thing is how synchronous this was with the information she got when connecting with my Spirit a few weeks prior to working with me, as well as what showed up in my painting. Much of my painting was about finding the joy in life and being more playful. This definitely resonated with me and has been a theme in my life. All of the information she shared during the soul painting experience, as well as the Spirit-guided information she shared through audio made so much sense to me and was just what I needed to hear. I know this experience will propel me forward in my connection with Spirit/my Higher Self. I also know I have made a friend for life. Thank you Tammy, for your genuine kindness, love, and support in my Soul's journey. So very grateful!
-Andrea G.
“I recently had the opportunity to have my soul painted by Tammy Conover. It was my first experience with spiritual cards and having them read as I chose them from a deck. This was the coolest experience that I have EVER had!! The spirit was with me the entire time and I got some answers from spirit that have truly changed my outlook on my life. My painting is so beautiful and meaningful and big reminder of this life changing opportunity that Tammy was able and willing to offer me. Tammy, thank you for using your gifts to help me and others!”
It was a joy meeting you at Andrea’s place in Joshua Tree last month. I so enjoyed your warm and loving energy, your beautiful words from Spirit, your encouragement and support, and your insights into my Soul. You're awesome!
The Soul Painting is a treasure! I love the colors and energy and I like meditating with it. The whites and blues, along with a little turquoise and purple, draw me into the Spirit of the painting each time I see it. It speaks to my Soul in a very powerful and deep way.
My Soul Painting is now the focal point of a small altar I created at my massage studio where I see clients for massages, sound baths, Reiki, and/or crystal balancing sessions. Every time I see the painting, it lifts my spirits and makes me smile.
Thank you for sharing your special gifts with us in Joshua Tree. We were all blessed by your presence.
-Josie B.
“Tammy is awesome!!! I had the privilege of receiving a soul painting in October 2017. The letter and painting I received from Tammy inspired my life in many different ways. Tammy is gifted and extremely talented in her creativity of capturing the extraordinary message for each person she works with when she is soul painting. I look forward to sharing this experience as an individual gift to my family members over the next year. Thank you, Tammy!!”
— Jennifer T.
“…I love love my soul painting! It stands as the center piece on my wall and looks beautiful. I get so many compliments on it. I absolutely love to give the story behind it. I reread the letter you wrote to me and I love to listen to the interpretation of my painting. Spirit spoke so clearly through you to me. It still does warn me all over. Whenever I need a boost from Spirit I read the letter and re-listen to my tape as I stare at my painting and I always come away renewed. So many of my family want a soul painting. It will be fun to make those appointments!”
— Dale W.
I had no idea how much our coming together to create my soul painting would help to change my life in such a positive way. Sitting with you for my painting opened channels that I had closed to God and my Angels and my spirit. I was in a place of transition in my life and working so very hard to find peace and settlement. God lead me to you. Since my painting, and with the Spirit messages, I have found the way to renew my connection with God and my Angels. My life is good and I have much to be thankful for. You have become a treasure to me and my life journey. You are a friend and a true gift from God. Thank you so very much for helping me find my way back.
—Mary H.
The soul painting session with you was an amazing experience. You had an insight into my self that was so spot on and brought me to tears. I feel a glow as some part of me has opened up. I love the painting and as I walked down the street with it it occurred to me that it reminded me of some of my Mom’s paintings so maybe there was a little bit of her spirit in the room.
—Amy K.
I just love my painting. I love it so much and I smile at it every time I see it. Many of the things (in your session notes) are things I am aware of and working on. They were definitely validation for some of the things I have been thinking about or putting more effort into. I’ve been working on my confidence, my strength, and my voice. These papers and the painting validated that I am on the right track, but still have more to do and need to keep going with great determination and confidence. I truly want to be the best person I can be and I am striving for that and am so thankful for the wisdom that continues to show me the work, the way, and the reward at the end of it all…and the cycle repeats. :)
I am so very grateful for this gift that you possess and the chance to have you share it with me. I’m so blessed to have had the time and ability to come see you and these papers continue to give me validations, reminders, and sometimes the occasional reminder that I need to “straighten up and get it together”. I am also so thankful and touched by the love embedded in these messages and bestowed upon me through your work. At the time, I did not truly know how much it would eventually mean. Anyway, so much gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
-Morgan D.
Thank you Tammy for the most enlightening experience and sharing your gift with us in Joshua Tree. I did not expect the awakening of my heart and soul that your painting and guided experience provided me. This is not only a beautiful painting but a mirror and reminder of my true self to guide me through the good and bad in life with strength and love… for myself. I am forever grateful.
—Mary R.
“A few years back I had a Soul Painting and reading done by Tammy Conover and I love it! Every morning I get to wake up to this beautiful piece of art that represents my souls journey. Everyday I see something different but most of all I see the many women in my life-past, present and future who are there to help me on my journey. And yes there are many wonderful men in my life also but when I look at this painting it’s the famine energy that resonates the most with me. Sometimes I even see the many versions of myself past, present and future. this is what’s so wonderful about Tammy’s Soul paintings, it just draws you in.. I believe that is the soul speaking through the Art. Tammy’s process is an experience in itself, starting with a meditation that you do together. As Tammy connects with your Angels and Guides the magic unfolds onto the canvas. When Tammy is finished with your Soul Painting she does a reveal and visit with you about the messages she was receiving. Since having my Soul Painting done I’ve gifted several family members to have their own Soul Paintings done. It truly is a magical experience! ”
— Robyn A.
“Tammy’s art is filled with so much love and emotion. Each piece touches your heart and draws you into its story. Beautiful art created by a beautiful soul!”
— Lavona C.
I recently had the opportunity to have a Soul Painting done by Tammy and was amazed by the experience. I could not be more in love with my painting. Her explanation of the colors, patterns and textures all resonated with events in my life. She included an intuitive report with my painting and I was blown away by the amount of information she provided. All of her information was spot on. I am extremely grateful for Tammy and this experience.
— Tadra M.
I can’t stop looking at it! The fact that my painting basically breaks down into different sections is really representative of who I am and I’m glad Tammy was able to get that from spirit. I needed this physical representation to always find joy in my life.
—Ashley R.
My experience was incredible and inspirational to say the least. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect when I went but I feel like I got a very thorough dive into my own self during this session. Many things were said that I needed to hear and the painting is not only amazing but truly speaks to me as though I'm looking at a print of my own self. The letter I was sent home with is incredibly insightful and very on point, just what I needed to acknowledge at this time. I have looked at and read over everything I have brought home many times in the last couple of days and every time there is another facet that is uncovered. The depth of this experience can't be captured entirely in words. And Tammy, the fact that you have an open line of communication after we leave speaks very deeply to the nature of this work. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had this experience and probably will end up doing this again. I have also been informing family and friends of the soul cleansing clarity that there is to gain from having this experience with you. Thank you very much for being who you are and doing what you do.
-Rachel H.